Lunar Eclipse
V6 - Sakkaku's Experimental Crystal
(実験浄玻璃の錯覚 - Jikken Jouhari no Sakkaku)
It was all going okay, until it suddenly wasn't. [November 16, 2023]
I finally made a Bluesky account. Added it to Interact, but I'll put it in here too. I don't use Social Media that much, really, but it is nice to have an account that I can actually log into again after all this time. This seems to be where everyone's settled on going, so I've at least signed up for it.
Y'know, I thought 2023 had been: A Year.
It was going fairly well this year, for most of it. We finally moved out of the old apartment and moved into a new place. The cats had settled in and picked their favorite humans. I was getting used to life again, I was progressing in my personal life...
And then politics began happening. They got progressively worse. We could see the bullet train heading right for us and we yelled and yelled til we couldn't yell anymore. And then we cried. We sobbed. We hugged one another. We still can't believe the devastation that train has caused the last time it crashed through the station, and this time, it's going to take out so many innocent people and so much structure it's really hard to see how we're gonna come back from this.
But we have to come back from this. You are not alone in being afraid. You are not alone in feeling sad, scared, and betrayed. You are not alone in questioning if there was anything more you could have done. But we do need to start over. Together. We need to keep hold of community and we can't let them break us down nor apart. We have to keep fighting for what we have so we can build on it and make things better. Hold on to your neighbors, your friends, and your loved ones. Do not let them tell you that you are lesser. Do not let them tell you that you have no power, and do not believe that you have none. Because you do.
We do.
☾ I hope no matter what's going on, that you manage to have a wonderful Holiday Season, and please take care of yourselves, and be safe. I repeat: you're not alone. ❤
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